Source code for fortnitepy.http

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Terbau

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


import aiohttp
import asyncio
import logging
import json
import re
import time
import functools

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, List, Optional, Any, Union, Tuple
from urllib.parse import quote as urllibquote

from .utils import MaybeLock
from .errors import HTTPException

    from .client import Client

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[github]def quote(string: str) -> str: string = urllibquote(string) string = string.replace('/', '%2F') return string
[github][docs] class HTTPRetryConfig: """Config for how HTTPClient should handle retries. .. warning:: Messing with these values could potentially make retries spammy. Worst case scenario of this would be that either your ip or your account could be limited due to high traffic. Change these values with caution! Parameters ---------- max_retry_attempts: :class:`int` The max amount of retry attempts for a request. Defaults to ``5``. .. note:: This is ignored when handling capacity throttling. max_wait_time: Optional[:class:`float`] The max amount of seconds to wait for a request before raising the original exception. This works by keeping track of the total seconds that has been waited for the request regardless of number of attempts. If ``None`` this is ignored. Defaults to ``65``. handle_rate_limits: :class:`bool` Whether or not the client should handle rate limit errors and wait the received ``Retry-After`` before automatically retrying the request. Defaults to ``True``. .. note:: This option is only for throttling errors with a Retry-After value. max_retry_after: :class:`float` The max amount of seconds the client should handle. If a throttled error with a higher Retry-After than this value is received, then the original :exc:`HTTPException` is raised instead. *Only matters when ``handle_rate_limits`` is ``True``* other_requests_wait: :class:`bool` Whether other requests to a rate limited endpoint should wait for the rate limit to disappear before requesting. Defaults to ``True``. *Only matters when ``handle_rate_limits`` is ``True``* handle_capacity_throttling: :class:`bool` Whether or not the client should automatically handle capacity throttling errors. These occur when the prod server you are requesting from has no available capacity to process a request and therefore returns with a throttle error without a Retry-After. Defaults to ``True``. backoff_start: :class:`float` The initial seconds to wait for the exponential backoff. Defaults to ``1``. *Only matters when ``handle_capacity_throttling`` is ``True``* backoff_factor: :class:`float` The multiplying factor used for the exponential backoff when a request fails. Defaults to ``1.5``. *Only matters when ``handle_capacity_throttling`` is ``True``* backoff_cap: :class:`float` The cap for the exponential backoff to avoid having unrealistically high wait times. Defaults to ``20``. *Only matters when ``handle_capacity_throttling`` is ``True``* """
[github] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.max_retry_attempts = kwargs.get('max_retry_attempts', 5) self.max_wait_time = kwargs.get('max_wait_time', 65) self.handle_rate_limits = kwargs.get('handle_rate_limits', True) self.max_retry_after = kwargs.get('max_retry_after', 60) self.other_requests_wait = kwargs.get('other_requests_wait', True) self.handle_capacity_throttling = kwargs.get('handle_capacity_throttling', True) # noqa self.backoff_start = kwargs.get('backoff_start', 1) self.backoff_factor = kwargs.get('backoff_factor', 1.5) self.backoff_cap = kwargs.get('backoff_cap', 20)
[github]class GraphQLRequest:
[github] def __init__(self, query: str, *, operation_name: str = None, variables: dict = None ) -> None: self.query = query self.operation_name = operation_name self.variables = variables
[github] def _to_camel_case(self, text: str) -> str: components = text.split('_') return components[0] + ''.join(x.title() for x in components[1:])
[github] def __iter__(self) -> str: for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if value is None: continue yield (self._to_camel_case(key), value)
[github] def as_dict(self) -> dict: return dict(self)
[github] def as_multiple_payload(self) -> dict: return { 'operationName': (self.operation_name or self.get_operation_name_by_query()), 'variables': self.variables, 'query': self.query }
[github] def get_operation_name_by_query(self) -> str: return'(?:mutation|query) (\w+)', self.query).group(1)
[github][docs] class Route: """Represents a route to use for a http request. This should be subclassed by new routes and the class attributes ``BASE`` and optionally ``AUTH`` should be overridden. .. warning:: Usually there is no reason to subclass and implement routes yourself as most of them are already implemented. Take a look at if you're interested in knowing all of the predefined routes. Available authentication placeholders: - `IOS_BASIC_TOKEN` - `FORTNITE_BASIC_TOKEN` - `IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN` - `FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN` Example usage: :: class SocialBanPublicService(fortnitepy.Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN' route = SocialBanPublicService( '/socialban/api/public/v1/{user_id}', user_id='c7af4984a77a498b83d8b16d475d76bc' ) resp = await client.http.get(route) # resp would look something like this: # { # "bans" : [], # "warnings" : [] # } Parameters ---------- path: :class:`path` The path to used for the request. .. warning:: You should always use name formatting for arguments and instead of using `.format()`on the path, you should pass the format kwargs as kwargs to the route. This might seem counterintuitive but it is important to ensure rate limit retry reliability. auth: Optional[:class:`str`] The authentication to use for the request. If ``None`` the default auth specified for the route is used. **params: Any The variables to format the path with passed alongside their name. Attributes ---------- path: :class:`str` The requests path. params: Dict[:class:`str`, Any] A mapping of the params passed. base: :class:`str` The base of the request url. auth: Optional[:class:`str`] The auth placeholder. url: :class:`str` The formatted url. sanitized_url: :class:`str` The yet to be formatted url. """ BASE = '' AUTH = None
[github] def __init__(self, path: str = '', *, auth: str = None, **params: Any) -> None: self.path = path self.params = {k: (quote(v) if isinstance(v, str) else v) for k, v in params.items()} if self.BASE == '': raise ValueError('Route must have a base') self.sanitized_url = url = self.BASE + self.path self.url = url.format(**self.params) if self.params else url if auth: self.AUTH = auth self.base = self.BASE self.auth = self.AUTH
[github]class EpicGamesGraphQL(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class EpicGames(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = None
[github]class PaymentWebsite(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = None
[github]class LightswitchPublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class UserSearchService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class AccountPublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class EulatrackingPublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class AffiliatePublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class EventsPublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class FortniteContentWebsite(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class FortnitePublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class FriendsPublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class PartyService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class PresencePublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class StatsproxyPublicService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]class AvatarService(Route): BASE = '' AUTH = 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN'
[github]def create_aiohttp_closed_event(session) -> asyncio.Event: """Work around aiohttp issue that doesn't properly close transports on exit. See Returns: An event that will be set once all transports have been properly closed. """ transports = 0 all_is_lost = asyncio.Event() def connection_lost(exc, orig_lost): nonlocal transports try: orig_lost(exc) finally: transports -= 1 if transports == 0: all_is_lost.set() def eof_received(orig_eof_received): try: orig_eof_received() except AttributeError: # It may happen that eof_received() is called after # _app_protocol and _transport are set to None. pass for conn in session.connector._conns.values(): for handler, _ in conn: proto = getattr(handler.transport, "_ssl_protocol", None) if proto is None: continue transports += 1 orig_lost = proto.connection_lost orig_eof_received = proto.eof_received proto.connection_lost = functools.partial( connection_lost, orig_lost=orig_lost ) proto.eof_received = functools.partial( eof_received, orig_eof_received=orig_eof_received ) if transports == 0: all_is_lost.set() return all_is_lost
[github]class HTTPClient:
[github] def __init__(self, client: 'Client', *, connector: aiohttp.BaseConnector = None, retry_config: Optional[HTTPRetryConfig] = None) -> None: self.client = client self.connector = connector self.retry_config = retry_config or HTTPRetryConfig() self._jar = aiohttp.CookieJar() self.headers = {} self.device_id = self.client.auth.device_id self._endpoint_events = {} self.__session = None # How many refreshes (max_refresh_attempts) to attempt in # a time window (refresh_attempt_window) before closing. self.max_refresh_attempts = 3 self.refresh_attempt_window = 20
[github] @staticmethod async def json_or_text(response: aiohttp.ClientResponse) -> Union[str, dict]: text = await response.text(encoding='utf-8') if 'application/json' in response.headers.get('content-type', ''): return json.loads(text) return text
[github] @property def user_agent(self) -> str: return 'Fortnite/{} {0.client.os}'.format(self)
[github] def get_auth(self, auth: str) -> str: u_auth = auth.upper() if u_auth == 'IOS_BASIC_TOKEN': return 'basic {0}'.format(self.client.auth.ios_token) elif u_auth == 'FORTNITE_BASIC_TOKEN': return 'basic {0}'.format(self.client.auth.fortnite_token) elif u_auth == 'IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN': return self.client.auth.ios_authorization elif u_auth == 'FORTNITE_ACCESS_TOKEN': return self.client.auth.authorization return auth
[github] def add_header(self, key: str, val: Any) -> None: self.headers[key] = val
[github] def remove_header(self, key: str) -> Any: return self.headers.pop(key)
[github] async def close(self) -> None: self._jar.clear() if self.__session: event = create_aiohttp_closed_event(self.__session) await self.__session.close() try: await asyncio.wait_for(event.wait(), timeout=2) except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass
[github] def connection_exists(self) -> bool: return self.__session is not None
[github] def create_connection(self) -> None: self.__session = aiohttp.ClientSession( connector=self.connector, connector_owner=self.connector is None, cookie_jar=self._jar )
[github] async def request(self, method: str, url: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[aiohttp.ClientResponse, Union[str, dict]]: try: params = kwargs['params'] if isinstance(params, dict): kwargs['params'] = {k: (str(v).lower() if isinstance(v, bool) else v) for k, v in params.items()} else: kwargs['params'] = [(k, (str(v).lower() if isinstance(v, bool) else v)) for k, v in params] except KeyError: pass pre_time = time.time() async with self.__session.request(method, url, **kwargs) as r: log.debug('{0} {1} has returned {2.status} in {3:.2f}s'.format( method, url, r, time.time() - pre_time )) data = await self.json_or_text(r) return r, data
[github] async def _fn_request(self, method: str, route: Union[Route, str], auth: Optional[str] = None, graphql: Optional[Union[Route, List[Route]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: url = route.url if not isinstance(route, str) else route headers = {**kwargs.get('headers', {}), **self.headers} headers['User-Agent'] = self.user_agent auth = auth or route.AUTH if auth is not None: headers['Authorization'] = self.get_auth(auth) device_id = kwargs.pop('device_id', None) if device_id is not None: headers['X-Epic-Device-ID'] = (self.device_id if device_id is True else device_id) if graphql is not None: is_multiple = isinstance(graphql, (list, tuple)) if not is_multiple: graphql = (graphql,) kwargs['json'] = [gql_query.as_multiple_payload() for gql_query in graphql] kwargs['headers'] = headers try: del kwargs['config'] except KeyError: pass raw = kwargs.pop('raw', False) r, data = await self.request(method, url, **kwargs) if raw: return r if graphql is not None: if isinstance(data, str): m = error_data = ({ 'serviceResponse': '', 'message': 'Unknown reason' if m is None else },) if m is not None: error_data[0]['serviceResponse'] = json.dumps({ 'errorStatus': int( }) elif isinstance(data, dict): if data['status'] >= 400: message = data['message'] error_data = ({ 'serviceResponse': json.dumps({ 'errorCode': message }), 'message': message },) else: error_data = None for child_data in data: if 'errors' in child_data: error_data = child_data['errors'] break if error_data is not None: selected = error_data[0] obj = {'errorMessage': selected['message']} service_response = selected['serviceResponse'] if service_response == '': error_payload = {} else: error_payload = json.loads(service_response) if isinstance(error_payload, str): m = message = 'Unknown reason' if m is None else error_payload = { 'errorMessage': message, } if m is not None: error_payload['errorStatus'] = int( raise HTTPException( r, route, {**obj, **error_payload}, headers )
[github] def get_payload(d): return next(iter(d['data'].values()))
if len(data) == 1: return get_payload(data[0]) return [get_payload(d) for d in data] if 'errorCode' in data or r.status >= 400: if isinstance(data, str): data = { 'errorMessage': data if data else 'Unknown {}'.format( r.status ) } raise HTTPException(r, route, data, headers) return data
[github] def get_retry_after(self, exc: HTTPException) -> Optional[int]: retry_after = exc.response.headers.get('Retry-After') if retry_after is not None: return int(retry_after) # For some reason graphql response headers doesn't contain # rate limit headers so we have to get retry after from # the message vars. try: return int(exc.message_vars[0]) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[github] async def fn_request(self, method: str, route: Union[Route, str], auth: Optional[str] = None, graphql: Union[Route, List[Route]] = None, priority: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: if self.client.is_closed(): raise RuntimeError('Client is closed.') cfg = self.retry_config if isinstance(route, Route): url = route.url url_key = (method, route.sanitized_url) else: url = route url_key = None tries = 0 total_slept = 0 backoff = cfg.backoff_start while True: sleep_time = 0 tries += 1 endpoint_event = self._endpoint_events.get(url_key) if endpoint_event is not None: log.debug('Waiting for {0:.2f}s before requesting {1} {2}.'.format( # noqa endpoint_event.ends_at - time.time(), method, url, )) await endpoint_event.wait() endpoint_event = None lock = self.client._reauth_lock if priority <= 0: await lock.wait() if lock.failed: raise asyncio.CancelledError( 'Client is shutting down.' ) try: return await self._fn_request( method, route, auth, graphql, **kwargs ) except HTTPException as exc: if self.client._closing: raise if tries >= cfg.max_retry_attempts: raise code = exc.message_code if graphql: gql_server_error = exc.raw.get('errorStatus') in {500, 502} else: gql_server_error = False catch = ( '', '', # noqa 'error.graphql.401', ) if code in catch: _auth = auth or route.AUTH if exc.request_headers['Authorization'] != self.get_auth(_auth): # noqa continue force_attempts = self.max_refresh_attempts retry = True
[github] def should_force(): ts = self.client._refresh_times if len(ts) > force_attempts: self.client._refresh_times = ts[-force_attempts:] try: old = self.client._refresh_times[-force_attempts] except IndexError: return True else: cur = time.time() return cur - old > self.refresh_attempt_window
if priority > lock.priority - 1: async with MaybeLock(lock): if should_force(): try: await self.client.auth.do_refresh() except asyncio.CancelledError: lock.failed = True retry = False except Exception: if self.client.can_restart(): await self.client.restart() else: lock.failed = True retry = False else: retry = False else: if lock.locked(): await lock.wait() if lock.failed: raise asyncio.CancelledError( 'Client is shutting down.' ) else: retry = False if retry: continue else: try: e = RuntimeError('Oauth token invalid.') e.__cause__ = exc self.client._exception_future.set_exception(e) except asyncio.InvalidStateError: pass raise asyncio.CancelledError( 'Client is shutting down.' ) elif code == '' or exc.status == 429: # noqa retry_after = self.get_retry_after(exc) if retry_after is not None and cfg.handle_rate_limits: if retry_after <= cfg.max_retry_after: sleep_time = retry_after + 0.5 if cfg.other_requests_wait and url_key is not None: if url_key not in self._endpoint_events: endpoint_event = asyncio.Event() endpoint_event.ends_at = time.time() + sleep_time # noqa self._endpoint_events[url_key] = endpoint_event # noqa else: tries -= 1 # backoff tries shouldn't count if cfg.handle_capacity_throttling: backoff *= cfg.backoff_factor if backoff <= cfg.backoff_cap: sleep_time = backoff elif (code == '' # noqa or code == '' or gql_server_error): # noqa sleep_time = 0.5 + (tries - 1) * 2 if sleep_time > 0: total_slept += sleep_time if cfg.max_wait_time and total_slept > cfg.max_wait_time: raise log.debug('Retrying {0} {1} in {2:.2f}s.'.format( method, url, sleep_time )) await asyncio.sleep(sleep_time) continue raise except aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError: await asyncio.sleep(0.5 + (tries - 1) * 2) continue except OSError as exc: if exc.errno in (54, 10054): continue raise finally: if endpoint_event is not None: del self._endpoint_events[url_key] endpoint_event.set()
[github] async def get(self, route: Union[Route, str], auth: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return await self.fn_request('GET', route, auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def post(self, route: Union[Route, str], auth: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return await self.fn_request('POST', route, auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def delete(self, route: Union[Route, str], auth: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return await self.fn_request('DELETE', route, auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def patch(self, route: Union[Route, str], auth: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return await self.fn_request('PATCH', route, auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def put(self, route: Union[Route, str], auth: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return await self.fn_request('PUT', route, auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def graphql_request(self, graphql: Union[GraphQLRequest, List[GraphQLRequest]], auth: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: return await self.fn_request('POST', EpicGamesGraphQL(), auth, graphql, **kwargs)
################################### # Epicgames GraphQL # ###################################
[github] async def graphql_friends_set_alias(self) -> Any: variables = { "friendId": "65db72079052463cb345d23ee27ae6a1", "alias": "Hallo1233" } query = """ mutation FriendsMutation($friendId: String!, $alias: String!) { Friends { setAlias(friendId: $friendId, alias: $alias) { success } } }""" return await self.graphql_request( GraphQLRequest(query, variables=variables))
[github] async def graphql_initialize_friends_request(self) -> List[dict]: queries = ( GraphQLRequest( query=""" query FriendsQuery($displayNames: Boolean!) { Friends { summary(displayNames: $displayNames) { friends { alias note favorite ...friendFields } incoming { ...friendFields } outgoing { ...friendFields } blocklist { ...friendFields } } } } fragment friendFields on Friend { accountId displayName account { externalAuths { type accountId externalAuthId externalDisplayName } } } """, variables={ 'displayNames': True } ), GraphQLRequest( query=""" query PresenceV2Query($namespace: String!, $circle: String!) { PresenceV2 { getLastOnlineSummary(namespace: $namespace, circle: $circle) { summary { #Type: [LastOnline] friendId #Type: String last_online #Type: String } } } } """, # noqa variables={ 'namespace': 'Fortnite', 'circle': 'friends' } ) ) return await self.graphql_request(queries)
################################### # Epicgames # ###################################
[github] async def epicgames_get_csrf(self) -> aiohttp.ClientResponse: return await self.get(EpicGames('/id/api/csrf'), raw=True)
[github] async def epicgames_reputation(self, xsrf_token: str) -> Any: headers = { 'x-xsrf-token': xsrf_token } return await self.get(EpicGames('/id/api/reputation'), headers=headers)
[github] async def epicgames_login(self, email: str, password: str, xsrf_token: str) -> Any: headers = { 'x-xsrf-token': xsrf_token } payload = { 'email': email, 'password': password, 'rememberMe': False, 'captcha': '' } cookies = { 'EPIC_COUNTRY': 'US' } return await'/id/api/login'), headers=headers, data=payload, cookies=cookies)
[github] async def epicgames_mfa_login(self, method: str, code: str, xsrf_token: str) -> Any: headers = { 'x-xsrf-token': xsrf_token } payload = { 'code': code, 'method': method, 'rememberDevice': False } return await'/id/api/login/mfa'), headers=headers, data=payload)
[github] async def epicgames_redirect(self, xsrf_token: str) -> Any: headers = { 'x-xsrf-token': xsrf_token } return await self.get(EpicGames('/id/api/redirect'), headers=headers)
[github] async def epicgames_get_exchange_data(self, xsrf_token: str) -> dict: headers = { 'x-xsrf-token': xsrf_token } r = EpicGames('/id/api/exchange/generate') return await, headers=headers)
################################### # Payment Website # ###################################
[github] async def payment_website_search_sac_by_slug(self, slug: str) -> Any: params = { 'slug': slug } r = PaymentWebsite('/affiliate/search-by-slug', auth=None) return await self.get(r, params=params)
################################### # Lightswitch # ###################################
[github] async def lightswitch_get_status(self, *, service_id: Optional[str] = None) -> list: params = {'serviceId': service_id} if service_id else None r = LightswitchPublicService('/lightswitch/api/service/bulk/status') return await self.get(r, params=params)
################################### # User Search # ###################################
[github] async def user_search_by_prefix(self, client_id: str, prefix: str, platform: str) -> list: # noqa params = { 'prefix': prefix, 'platform': platform } r = UserSearchService( '/api/v1/search/{client_id}', client_id=client_id ) return await self.get(r, params=params)
################################### # Account # ###################################
[github] async def account_get_exchange_data(self, auth: str, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: r = AccountPublicService('/account/api/oauth/exchange') return await self.get(r, auth=auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def account_oauth_grant(self, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: r = AccountPublicService('/account/api/oauth/token') return await, **kwargs)
[github] async def account_put_date_of_birth_correction(self, continuation: str, date_of_birth: str, auth: str): r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/corrections/dateOfBirth', ) payload = { 'continuation': continuation, 'dateOfBirth': date_of_birth } return await self.put(r, json=payload, auth=auth)
[github] async def account_generate_device_auth(self, client_id: str) -> dict: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/{client_id}/deviceAuth', client_id=client_id ) return await, auth="IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN", json={})
[github] async def account_get_device_auths(self, client_id: str) -> list: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/{client_id}/deviceAuth', client_id=client_id, auth="IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN" ) return await self.get(r)
[github] async def account_lookup_device_auth(self, client_id: str, device_id: str) -> dict: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/{client_id}/deviceAuth/{device_id}', client_id=client_id, device_id=device_id, auth="IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN" ) return await self.get(r)
[github] async def account_delete_device_auth(self, client_id: str, device_id: str) -> None: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/{client_id}/deviceAuth/{device_id}', client_id=client_id, device_id=device_id, auth="IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN" ) return await self.delete(r)
[github] async def account_sessions_kill_token(self, token: str, auth=None) -> Any: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/oauth/sessions/kill/{token}', token=token ) return await self.delete(r, auth='bearer {0}'.format(token))
[github] async def account_sessions_kill(self, kill_type: str, auth='IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN', **kwargs: Any) -> Any: params = { 'killType': kill_type } r = AccountPublicService('/account/api/oauth/sessions/kill') return await self.delete(r, params=params, auth=auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def account_get_by_display_name(self, display_name: str) -> dict: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/displayName/{display_name}', display_name=display_name ) return await self.get(r)
[github] async def account_get_by_user_id(self, user_id: str, *, auth: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/{user_id}', user_id=user_id ) return await self.get(r, auth=auth, **kwargs)
[github] async def account_get_by_email(self, email: str) -> dict: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/email/{email}', email=email ) return await self.get(r, auth='IOS_ACCESS_TOKEN')
[github] async def account_get_external_auths_by_id(self, user_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> list: r = AccountPublicService( '/account/api/public/account/{user_id}/externalAuths', user_id=user_id ) return await self.get(r, **kwargs)
[github] async def account_get_multiple_by_user_id(self, user_ids: Iterable[str], **kwargs: Any) -> list: params = [('accountId', user_id) for user_id in user_ids] r = AccountPublicService('/account/api/public/account') return await self.get(r, params=params, **kwargs)
[github] async def account_graphql_get_multiple_by_user_id(self, user_ids: List[str], **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: return await self.graphql_request(GraphQLRequest( query=""" query AccountQuery($accountIds: [String]!) { Account { # Get details about an account given an account ID accounts(accountIds: $accountIds) { #Type: [Account] # The AccountID for this account id #Type: String # The epic display name for this account displayName #Type: String # External auths associated with this account externalAuths { #Type: [ExternalAuth] type #Type: String accountId #Type: String externalAuthId #Type: String externalDisplayName #Type: String } } } } """, variables={ 'accountIds': user_ids } ), **kwargs)
[github] async def account_graphql_get_by_display_name(self, display_name: str) -> dict: return await self.graphql_request(GraphQLRequest( query=""" query AccountQuery($displayName: String!) { Account { account(displayName: $displayName) { id displayName externalAuths { type accountId externalAuthId externalDisplayName } } } } """, variables={ 'displayName': display_name } ))
[github] async def account_graphql_get_clients_external_auths(self, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: return await self.graphql_request(GraphQLRequest( query=""" query AccountQuery { Account { myAccount { externalAuths { type accountId externalAuthId externalDisplayName } } } } """ ), **kwargs)
################################### # Eula Tracking # ###################################
[github] async def eulatracking_get_data(self, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: r = EulatrackingPublicService( '/eulatracking/api/public/agreements/fn/account/{client_id}', ) return await self.get(r, **kwargs)
[github] async def eulatracking_accept(self, version: int, *, locale: str = 'en', **kwargs: Any) -> Any: params = { 'locale': locale } r = EulatrackingPublicService( ('/eulatracking/api/public/agreements/fn/version/{version}' '/account/{client_id}/accept'), version=version, ) return await, params=params, **kwargs)
################################### # Fortnite Public # ###################################
[github] async def fortnite_grant_access(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: r = FortnitePublicService( '/fortnite/api/game/v2/grant_access/{client_id}', ) return await, json={}, **kwargs)
[github] async def fortnite_get_store_catalog(self) -> dict: r = FortnitePublicService('/fortnite/api/storefront/v2/catalog') return await self.get(r)
[github] async def fortnite_check_gift_eligibility(self, user_id: str, offer_id: str) -> Any: r = FortnitePublicService( '/fortnite/api/storefront/v2/gift/check_eligibility/recipient/{user_id}/offer/{offer_id}', # noqa user_id=user_id, offer_id=offer_id, ) return await self.get(r)
[github] async def fortnite_get_timeline(self) -> dict: r = FortnitePublicService('/fortnite/api/calendar/v1/timeline') return await self.get(r)
################################### # Fortnite Content # ###################################
[github] async def fortnitecontent_get(self) -> dict: r = FortniteContentWebsite('/content/api/pages/fortnite-game') return await self.get(r)
################################### # Friends # ###################################
[github] async def friends_get_all(self, *, include_pending: bool = False, **kwargs) -> list: params = { 'includePending': include_pending } r = FriendsPublicService('/friends/api/public/friends/{client_id}', return await self.get(r, params=params, **kwargs)
[github] async def friends_add_or_accept(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/friends/{user_id}',, user_id=user_id ) return await
[github] async def friends_remove_or_decline(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/friends/{user_id}',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.delete(r)
[github] async def friends_get_blocklist(self) -> list: r = FriendsPublicService('/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/blocklist', return await self.get(r)
[github] async def friends_set_nickname(self, user_id: str, nickname: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/friends/{user_id}/alias',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.put(r, data=nickname)
[github] async def friends_remove_nickname(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/friends/{user_id}/alias',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.delete(r)
[github] async def friends_set_note(self, user_id: str, note: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/friends/{user_id}/note',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.put(r, data=note)
[github] async def friends_remove_note(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/friends/{user_id}/note',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.delete(r)
[github] async def friends_get_summary(self, **kwargs) -> dict: r = FriendsPublicService('/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/summary', return await self.get(r, **kwargs)
[github] async def friends_block(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/blocklist/{user_id}',, user_id=user_id ) return await
[github] async def friends_unblock(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/blocklist/{user_id}',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.delete(r)
[github] async def friends_get_mutual(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = FriendsPublicService( '/friends/api/v1/{client_id}/friends/{user_id}/mutual',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.get(r)
################################### # Presence # ###################################
[github] async def presence_get_last_online(self, **kwargs) -> dict: r = PresencePublicService('/presence/api/v1/_/{client_id}/last-online', return await self.get(r, **kwargs)
################################### # Stats # ###################################
[github] async def stats_get_v2(self, user_id: str, *, start_time: Optional[int] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None) -> dict: params = {} if start_time: params['startTime'] = start_time if end_time: params['endTime'] = end_time r = StatsproxyPublicService( '/statsproxy/api/statsv2/account/{user_id}', user_id=user_id ) return await self.get(r, params=params)
[github] async def stats_get_multiple_v2(self, ids: List[str], stats: List[str], *, category: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[int] = None, end_time: Optional[int] = None) -> list: payload = { 'appId': 'fortnite', 'owners': ids, 'stats': stats } params = {} if category is not None: params['category'] = 'collection_fish' if start_time: payload['startDate'] = start_time if end_time: payload['endDate'] = end_time r = StatsproxyPublicService('/statsproxy/api/statsv2/query') return await, json=payload, params=params)
[github] async def stats_get_leaderboard_v2(self, stat: str) -> dict: r = StatsproxyPublicService( '/statsproxy/api/statsv2/leaderboards/{stat}', stat=stat ) return await self.get(r)
################################### # Avatar # ###################################
[github] async def avatar_get_multiple_by_user_id(self, account_ids: List[str]) -> dict: params = { 'accountIds': ','.join(account_ids) } r = AvatarService('/v1/avatar/fortnite/ids') return await self.get(r, params=params)
################################### # Party # ###################################
[github] async def party_disconnect(self, party_id: str, user_id: str) -> dict: r = PartyService( 'party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/{user_id}/disconnect', # noqa party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id, ) return await
[github] async def party_send_invite(self, party_id: str, user_id: str, send_ping: bool = True) -> Any: conn_type = self.client.default_party_member_config.cls.CONN_TYPE payload = { 'urn:epic:cfg:build-id_s': self.client.party_build_id, 'urn:epic:conn:platform_s': self.client.platform.value, 'urn:epic:conn:type_s': conn_type, 'urn:epic:invite:platformdata_s': '', 'urn:epic:member:dn_s': self.client.user.display_name, } params = { 'sendPing': send_ping } r = PartyService( '/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/invites/{user_id}', party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id ) return await, json=payload, params=params)
[github] async def party_delete_invite(self, party_id: str, user_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( '/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/invites/{user_id}', party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id ) return await self.delete(r)
# NOTE: Depracated since fortnite v11.30. Use param sendPing=True with # send_invite # NOTE: Now used for sending invites from private parties
[github] async def party_send_ping(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( '/party/api/v1/Fortnite/user/{user_id}/pings/{client_id}', user_id=user_id, ) return await, json={})
[github] async def party_delete_ping(self, user_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( '/party/api/v1/Fortnite/user/{client_id}/pings/{user_id}',, user_id=user_id ) return await self.delete(r)
[github] async def party_decline_invite(self, party_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( ('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/invites/' '{client_id}/decline'), party_id=party_id, ) return await, json={})
[github] async def party_member_confirm(self, party_id: str, user_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( ('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/' '{user_id}/confirm'), party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id ) return await, json={})
[github] async def party_member_reject(self, party_id: str, user_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( ('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/' '{user_id}/reject'), party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id ) return await, json={})
[github] async def party_promote_member(self, party_id: str, user_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( ('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/' '{user_id}/promote'), party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id ) return await, json={})
[github] async def party_kick_member(self, party_id: str, user_id: str) -> Any: r = PartyService( '/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/{user_id}', party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id ) return await self.delete(r)
[github] async def party_leave(self, party_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: conn_type = self.client.default_party_member_config.cls.CONN_TYPE payload = { 'connection': { 'id': self.client.user.jid, 'meta': { 'urn:epic:conn:platform_s': self.client.platform.value, 'urn:epic:conn:type_s': conn_type, }, }, 'meta': { 'urn:epic:member:dn_s': self.client.user.display_name, 'urn:epic:member:type_s': conn_type, 'urn:epic:member:platform_s': self.client.platform.value, 'urn:epic:member:joinrequest_j': json.dumps({ 'CrossplayPreference_i': '1' }), } } r = PartyService( '/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/{client_id}', party_id=party_id, ) return await self.delete(r, json=payload, **kwargs)
[github] async def party_join_request(self, party_id: str) -> Any: conf = self.client.default_party_member_config conn_type = conf.cls.CONN_TYPE payload = { 'connection': { 'id': str(self.client.xmpp.xmpp_client.local_jid), 'meta': { 'urn:epic:conn:platform_s': self.client.platform.value, 'urn:epic:conn:type_s': conn_type, }, 'yield_leadership': conf.yield_leadership, 'offline_ttl': conf.offline_ttl, }, 'meta': { 'urn:epic:member:dn_s': self.client.user.display_name, 'urn:epic:member:joinrequestusers_j': json.dumps({ 'users': [ { 'id':, 'dn': self.client.user.display_name, 'plat': self.client.platform.value, 'data': json.dumps({ 'CrossplayPreference': '1', 'SubGame_u': '1', }) } ] }), }, } r = PartyService( ('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/' '{client_id}/join'), party_id=party_id, ) return await, json=payload)
[github] async def party_send_intention(self, user_id: str) -> dict: payload = { 'urn:epic:invite:platformdata_s': '', } r = PartyService( '/party/api/v1/Fortnite/members/{user_id}/intentions/{client_id}',, user_id=user_id ) return await, json=payload)
[github] async def party_lookup(self, party_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: r = PartyService('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}', party_id=party_id) return await self.get(r, **kwargs)
[github] async def party_lookup_user(self, user_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: r = PartyService('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/user/{user_id}', user_id=user_id) return await self.get(r, **kwargs)
[github] async def party_lookup_ping(self, user_id: str) -> list: r = PartyService( ('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/user/{client_id}/pings/' '{user_id}/parties'),, user_id=user_id ) return await self.get(r)
[github] async def party_create(self, config: dict, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: conf = self.client.default_party_member_config conn_type = conf.cls.CONN_TYPE _chat_enabled = str(config['chat_enabled']).lower() payload = { 'config': { 'join_confirmation': config['join_confirmation'], 'joinability': config['joinability'], 'max_size': config['max_size'] }, 'join_info': { 'connection': { 'id': str(self.client.xmpp.xmpp_client.local_jid), 'meta': { 'urn:epic:conn:platform_s': self.client.platform.value, 'urn:epic:conn:type_s': conn_type }, 'yield_leadership': conf.yield_leadership, 'offline_ttl': conf.offline_ttl, }, }, 'meta': { 'urn:epic:cfg:accepting-members_b': False, 'urn:epic:cfg:build-id_s': str(self.client.party_build_id), 'urn:epic:cfg:can-join_b': True, 'urn:epic:cfg:chat-enabled_b': _chat_enabled, 'urn:epic:cfg:invite-perm_s': 'Noone', 'urn:epic:cfg:join-request-action_s': 'Manual', 'urn:epic:cfg:not-accepting-members-reason_i': 0, 'urn:epic:cfg:party-type-id_s': 'default', 'urn:epic:cfg:presence-perm_s': 'Noone', } } r = PartyService('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties') return await, json=payload, **kwargs)
[github] async def party_update_member_meta(self, party_id: str, user_id: str, updated_meta: dict, deleted_meta: list, overridden_meta: dict, revision: int, override: dict = {}, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: payload = { 'delete': deleted_meta, 'update': updated_meta, 'override': overridden_meta, 'revision': revision, } r = PartyService( ('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}/members/' '{user_id}/meta'), party_id=party_id, user_id=user_id ) return await self.patch(r, json=payload, **kwargs)
[github] async def party_update_meta(self, party_id: str, updated_meta: dict, deleted_meta: list, overridden_meta: dict, revision: int, config: dict = {}, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: payload = { 'meta': { 'delete': deleted_meta, 'update': updated_meta, 'override': overridden_meta }, 'revision': revision, } if config: payload['config'] = config r = PartyService('/party/api/v1/Fortnite/parties/{party_id}', party_id=party_id) return await self.patch(r, json=payload, **kwargs)