.. currentmodule:: fortnitepy Who uses fortnitepy? ==================== Yunite ------ .. image:: https://yunite.xyz/img/android-chrome-384x384.png :target: https://yunite.xyz :height: 100 Yunite is a multipurpose discord bot that offers features like safe custom game registration, self organized tournaments with accurate placings and more. Rematch.gg ---------- .. image:: https://rematch.gg/assets/img/logo/rematch-full-new.png :target: https://rematch.gg :height: 100 Rematch.gg is a platform that hosts fortnite scrims for cash prizes as well as offer a place for people to connect and play tournaments, zone wars, box fights and more. PartyBot -------- .. image:: https://partybot.net/cdn/skull.png :target: https://github.com/xmistt/fortnitepy-bot :height: 100 PartyBot is a self hosted so called lobby bot that you can mess around with in a party. You can use it to showcase rare outfits and other cosmetics. EasyFortniteStats ----------------- .. image:: https://gblobscdn.gitbook.com/spaces%2F-LjpXsmo7aeUKmSF7KVz%2Favatar-1612982571858.png?alt=media :target: https://www.easyfnstats.com :height: 100 EasyFortniteStats is a discord bot built around fortnite stats and news. It features graphical stats, item shop, ingame radio and more. Get your application added -------------------------- If you have made a decently sized or a unique application built with fortnitepy and you want it added on this page, you can contact ``Terbau#8523`` on discord about it. Please note that applications are reviewed and might not get added to the list depending on different factors.